I am happy to share an exciting update regarding tournamentcenter’s development and future direction.
Over the past 10 years, tournamentcenter has had the opportunity to work on countless exciting projects. This has taken us all over the world, working on various game titles and tackling different challenges. We have continuously learned and grown as an organisation in size and overall capabilities. As we look back on this growth and evolution, we recognize the need to align our image and communication to reflect better all services we are offering and clearly define our focus. Therefore, we have worked behind the scenes for a rebrand that will better communicate our broad spectrum of services and highlight our commitment to the gaming communities we serve.
We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and aim to lower barriers to make gaming accessible and inclusive to all. The rebrand will enable us to align our identity with these shared values to foster a sense of belonging and more accurately reflect our commitment to making a positive impact. With the rebrand, we also aim to effectively communicate our extensive services, from event services and organised play to logistics, consulting, e-commerce, and community activation. We are extremely excited about this next step and are looking forward to continuously connecting with gaming communities online and offline.
Moving forward, we will serve our clients and communities under the name of Fanfinity.
Note that our legal/company names tournamentcenter BV (Belgium) and tournamentcenter Ltd (UK) have not been changed yet.
In the coming days, you will start to see our new brand identity rolling out across various touchpoints, including our agency website and social media channels. Before the summer we will also change our community-facing communication channels to be fully transitioned into the Fanfinity brand by end of summer. While our social channels and website will already be changed, we can still be contacted through our current email addresses. Soon, our email addresses will change to the Fanfinity brand as well.
We are excited about this huge step forward and are more than ever dedicated and ready to serve you and your communities with our entire team of passionate gaming specialists