‘This show is open! ‘

UFI and SISO launch global campaign to support the exhibitions and events industry

  • “This Show is open” / “This Expo is open” campaign made available to exhibition
    organisers around the world
    – Campaign highlights the critical role exhibitions and events play in times of crisis
    – Both associations pledge to make campaign available to meeting industry
    associations serving other types of events


Paris / Atlanta – 5 March 2020: Paris based UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, and
Atlanta based SISO, The Society of Independent Show Organizers, today launch a new campaign,
called “This Show Is Open”. It supports exhibition and event organisers around the world as they put
the industry’s full experience to the task of keeping events going wherever possible, in line with the
guidance of health authorities and the interests of their customers.

The campaign launches as the global outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus is challenging societies
around the world. As health systems and governments deal with the outbreak, exhibitions and events
around the world are being postponed or cancelled where deemed necessary.

At the same time, exhibitions and events are one of the core elements to both keep industries and
economies going – they are both among the most responsive and resilient economical tools.

“Exhibitions and events are essential to millions of businesses around the world. They exist to provide
platforms for people and industries to meet, to trade, and to collaborate. Small and medium businesses
in all industries in particular depend on exhibitions. And, like all types of events, they support the
economy worldwide“, says Mary Larkin, UFI President.

“Exhibitions and events are especially important in times of disruption. We stand to fulfil our obligation
to maintain opportunities for people to meet wherever possible. As part of the exhibitions industry, we
are committed to keep our exhibitions and events going around the world wherever we can do so“,
says Greg Topalian, SISO Chair.

The “This Show is Open” campaign consists of material that UFI and SISO are making available to
their respective memberships – covering all the global leading companies in exhibition management
as well as regional and national heavyweights. They can add the visuals and text material to their
ongoing communications around upcoming exhibitions – highlighting the fact that, while numerous
exhibitions around the world are being postponed or cancelled due to COVID19, many shows are
taking place successfully around the world.

“We have one simple message here”, say Kai Hattendorf, UFI CEO and David Audrain, SISO ED. “As
an industry, we strive to make it possible for every company to come to the show floor, to seek to meet
with industry peers, to drive the exchange about how and to what degree their respective industries
are impacted by COVID-19, and to secure the successful future for their business.“

Industry leaders are welcoming the campaign:
“I have been a strong supporter of this campaign ever since I heard of it. At Tarsus Group, we will use
the material provided to help get the word out loud and clear that our industry is open and resilient”,
says Douglas Emslie, CEO of London based global organizer Tarsus Group.

Both UFI and SISO are as well inviting other associations serving the wider meetings industry to join
the campaign, to help to grow awareness.

“As the current president of the Joint Meetings Industry Council, I will invite all the member associations
of this global framework to join this campaign. We will also be happy to offer other networks like the
‘Events Industry Council’ to share the campaign – this issue is one that calls for the whole meetings
industry to come together and collaborate”, says Kai Hattendorf.

The campaign materials are available for download here: www.supportingshows.org
Below visual – Key Visual “This Show Is Open” Campaign

About UFI – The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry: UFI is the global trade association of the world’s
tradeshow organisers and exhibition centre operators, as well as the major national and international exhibition
associations, and selected partners of the exhibition industry. UFI’s main goal is to represent, promote and support the
business interests of its members and the exhibition industry. UFI directly represents more than 50,000 exhibition industry
employees globally, and also works closely with its 60 national and regional association members. More than 800 member
organisations in 89 countries around the world are presently signed up as members. Around 1,000 international trade fairs
proudly bear the UFI approved label, a quality guarantee for visitors and exhibitors alike. UFI members continue to provide
the international business community with a unique marketing media aimed at developing outstanding face-to-face business

For more information, please contact: UFI Headquarters: Email: media@ufi.org Tel: +33 (0)1 46 39 75 00 or www.ufi.org
About SISO – SISO members include companies, corporations and other for-profit entities that own, produce or provide fullservice management of “face to face” trade shows, consumer shows, expositions, conferences and events. SISO
membership is a combination of large corporations and small entrepreneurial enterprises that do business around the world.
SISO’s almost 200-member companies produce thousands of events around the world. SISO’s Mission, is to meet the
common needs of our members, by providing peer networking opportunities, education, industry information, streamlined
business processes and best practices in the industry.

For more information, please visit: www.SISO.org or contact David Audrain, SISO Executive Director, at 404-334-4585 or


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