Under the patronage of the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU and hosted by
MEP Bernd Lange, Chairman of the European Parliament’s Committee on International Trade
17th of March 2020, Brussels, Belgium
We invite you to enter into dialogue with Brussels in 2020!
After one year of break, EEIA offers again this exclusive opportunity in the heart of the European Union’s decision making to discuss current matters of relevance to our sector and more general policies with EU representatives. It is the perfect moment, after last year’s elections to the European Parliament and the new Commission taking office at the end of last year, to dive into the plans and policies for the upcoming period.
We are grateful that AEFI, AUMA, CFI, Febelux and IFES support the event as partners so that we can again offer this event for free to both EMECA and UFI Members. Special thanks go to Berislav Cizmek for securing the support of Croatia.
Creating a lively exchange with our guest speakers is our foremost objective, so we invite you to voice your questions, experiences, concerns and proposals openly! This helps both sides to achieve better understanding, brings new insights and practical ideas – and helps achieving our industry’s political goals.
This is the programme as of 25th February 2020, we will send you further updates as speakers’ line-up will be completing or changes communicated.
12:15 Arrival at EU Parliament
12:45 Welcome & Walking Lunch
13:15 Exhibition Industry EU Dialogue 2020 Part 1
15:00 Guided Tour to the European Parliament
16:00 Walk to the Renaissance Hotel & Coffee break
16:30 Exhibition Industry EU Dialogue 2020 Part 2
18:30 End of meeting
19:30 Walking Dinner at De Warande
Rue de l’Amazone 2
B-1050 Bruxelles
Tel +32 2 535 7250