Brussels, 2 July 2024: UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, has named international events organiser Easyfairs as the winner of the 2024 UFI Sustainable Development Award. The topic for this year’s award was “Best example of sustainability integration into business proposals”. Easyfairs’ submission covered both the intrinsic sustainability of its business model and overall roadmap, which includes initiatives engaging all stakeholders.

Edwin Van der Vennet, Chair of this year’s jury, declared, “Congratulations to Easyfairs for their very comprehensive and inspiring case. Their systematic, data-driven and widespread approach to tackling sustainability establishes a culture of sustainability that can serve as an example to many in the industry”.

Nil Sönmez, Chief Sustainability and Customer Experience Officer, Easyfairs, welcomed the award: “We are honoured to be recognised by UFI as the recipient of the 2024 Sustainable Development Award. This is a huge vote of confidence for the team members across our organisation who are shaping and implementing countless sustainability initiatives. Their collaborative efforts demonstrate that you can pursue sustainable targets, such as reducing carbon footprint, while improving the unique experiences delivered by face-to-face events.”

“The Easyfairs business model, based on reusable modular stands and a focus on local and regional market, has always lent itself to sustainability. Our aim is to continue to build on and reinforce this approach, and to serve as a reference platform for the communities we serve to help them in their transition to net zero,” added Easyfairs CEO Anne Lafère.

The UFI Award comes a few days after Easyfairs published its first annual sustainability report. Easyfairs has received multiple accolades in recent months. It won this year’s Exhibitions News ESG Award as well as the Best Managed Companies Award for the sixth year running, both of these recognised Easyfairs’ recorded progress on carbon footprint reduction, initiatives on diversity, equality and inclusion as well as how the company is making a positive impact on local and business communities.

Download the Easyfairs submission

The UFI Sustainable Development Awards celebrate excellence in areas ranging from human resources and digital innovation to marketing and sustainable development. More information on the UFI Awards is available at www.ufi.org/awards. Easyfairs and other 2024 UFI Award winners will share their projects at the 91st UFI Global Congress, which will take place from 20-23 November 2024 in Cologne, Germany. For more details please visit www.uficongress.org.

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